Our Puppy Warranty

Upon purchasing the puppy, the Buyer agrees not to spay or neuter said puppy before 18 months of age; violation of said terms will void this warranty.

Registering your puppy and the microchip with The American Kennel Club is an essential part of responsible dog ownership. Sisu Retrievers will pay the cost of the AKC Registration and AKC Reunite (microchip registration).

All Sisu breeding stock and the stud dogs we use are screened for the following: OFA/FCI Hips, OFA/FCI Elbows, and OFA Eyes (yearly). Sisu Retrievers expect the Purchaser to remember that environmental factors may contribute to health issues. Copies of health clearances from sire and dam are included in the puppy information package.

To validate the health warranty, the Purchaser must have the puppy examined by a veterinarian within 5 days of the transfer. If the puppy is diagnosed with an existing medical problem that was not previously disclosed, the puppy may be returned for a full refund. If the Purchaser wishes to retain possession of the puppy, the Breeder agrees to pay the pet insurance deductible. The Purchaser must provide the Breeder with a letter from the attending veterinarian specifying the nature of the problem and copies of the medical record and expenses. If requested by the Breeder, the Purchaser must provide the Breeder with an evaluation from a second veterinarian of the Breeder's choice at the Breeder's expense before any reimbursement is made.

The Purchaser needs to understand that until a Labrador has completed its growth, only moderate exercise is recommended. We will not warranty dogs that have worn harnesses. Harnesses can do major damage to the structure of a dog if worn while dogs are still growing.

We have taken reasonable precautions to prevent acquired hereditary disorders. If within the first 12 months of age, a purchased puppy develops a serious inherited disorder that will prevent the dog from living a fulfilling pet life, the Breeder will provide the Purchaser with a partial refund of the purchase price. Examples of serious inherited disorders include documentable severe to non-functional hip dysplasia, OFA grade II to III elbow dysplasia, inherited epilepsy, clinically significant juvenile cataracts, and moderate to severe TVD. The Purchaser must provide the Breeder with copies of the medical records and expense documentation and a letter from the attending veterinarian within 30 days of the discovery. The Breeder reserves the right to ask for a second opinion at Breeder’s expense. If requested, the Purchaser may retain possession of the dog or return the dog to the Breeder.

I understand that the Labrador Retriever I am purchasing is being sold on an AKC Limited Registration.

  • Must be kept intact until the age of 18 months. Spaying or neutering before 18 months of age will void the warranty.
  • Must be examined by my veterinarian within 5 days of a transfer, but vaccines will not be due for another 3-4 weeks. Any vaccines given during this appointment will void the warranty.
  • Must be kept on Pet Health Insurance for the first year of life. The cost of such insurance is the buyer's responsibility. Failure to comply will void the warranty.
  • Use of a harness will void your dog's health warranty.

** Use of Nu Vet Plus or Nu Joint is encouraged during the puppy’s growth period.

I understand that failure to comply with the above statements will void my dog’s warranty.

If, for any reason, during this dog's life, the Purchaser cannot care for the dog, we require that they contact us.

By my signature, as the Purchaser, I acknowledge reading the Puppy Warranty and understand the requirements from me to maintain this Puppy Warranty.

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